
viernes, 7 de octubre de 2022

LULA, THE EMPIRE AND THE SURVEYS, by Moisés Pinzón Martínez


Balance from afar (DEBATE)

I just heard an interviewee on Telesur express that the right (concepts that I do not use and that I show are incorrect) is advancing; being this appreciation, a blunder. Rather, I demonstrate in various writings that the revolutionary and democratic forces are on a sustained, unstoppable and inevitable rise (THE PROGRESSIVE AND REVOLUTIONARY CYCLE IS JUST BEGINNING, chapter 7 of Critique of Scientific Socialism).

But this issue has to do with polls, which, being scientific tools, are manipulated in different ways in electoral environments at the whim of those who pay the managers.

Like consultants hired without being an emotional part of political campaigns, polling companies ultimately prioritize a matter of economic gain: how much is paid and, like any auction, the one who pays the most wins the prize. Consequently, in terms of payment capacity, no one can compete with the empire and its acolytes; being this, the conductor of all the conservative, reactionary and fascist forces of America and the world directly. The consultant or the polling company is hired, then the imperial intelligence arrives stealthily and silently bends it to divert the management, relying on traitors already active in the structure.


Politics in the world has taken a complete turn before the arrival of the new means of production created by capitalism for the benefit of the socialist system to come (Windows'95): the elections are what will determine the revolutions, all other tactics become be secondary. The transformations arise from the bowels of the popular vote, while the conscience of the working class (88% of the world's population) grows exponentially... Read Universal Consciousness and Class Struggle, chapter 5 of the mentioned book.

This being so, #USAlaViolencia becomes a shameless intruder -as always- in all the internal affairs of our countries. And Brazil with its 213 million inhabitants, is not the exception; on the contrary, it is a priority, they buy traitors... in this new scenario, judges, lawyers, religious pastors act directly as candidates, blackmail, design unimaginable theatrical productions, etc., in order to manipulate the electorate.

The first intrusive management of the empire in the Brazilian elections on October 2, 2022, was to prevent Lula from winning in the first round at all costs. Impossible to use the past tactic of the attack (which worked for them); so they managed the tactic of blowing confidence... confidence in an election is the first factor of defeat.

To this end, they inflated the surveys at any cost and using all their intelligence agents operating in Brazil and the world, to generate this state of mind in their more than 110 million existing voters in this country. Managing to inoculate -effectively feasible- 5% of the activists with that confidence, being able to represent some 750,000 militants who would act at medium management speed; those who in turn represent the 2 million votes missing for Lula to win immediately, they simply did not vote because they did not go looking for them or they stayed at home because they did not consider their vote necessary. LULA wins with 57.3 million votes, 48.4% of the vote, pending the second round to be held on October 30.

What is #USAlaViolencia going to do and guide to overcome the 10 million votes necessary to re-elect neo-fascism and thus continue to subjugate the Brazilian people in just 25 days? For now, they have already managed to unite all the conservative sectors under the leadership of this Judas; They don't swallow it at all, but they have turned it into a necessary evil. Thus, what is coming is a concentration of all the Call Centers and social networks -including those available in the United States- to torment the voters -with selectivity and precision of a surgeon- with very well selected stories supported by Hollywood scandals and so on. Reach your goal...

Just as an example of these variants surveyed, we see in the first election where Evo won the presidency (2005), absolutely all the polls placed him as the loser and he won more than enough in the first round.

These efforts in America, applying various combined tactics, from the director of the reactionary orchestras with a strong dose of fascism, resulted in them in Ecuador and with a direct official of theirs in Chile.

The empire has, for the purposes of continuing to steal from us, thousands of scripts; discovering which one corresponds to the momentum to give him his counter offensive is the task of the democrats and revolutionaries; the opposite are stories of paths between regrets.


Moises Pinzon Martinez


💝👉Realice una pequeña donación a este esfuerzo, la cantidad que desee es agradecida👈🙏🏻


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Brasil y la desesperación pequeñoburguesa, (2018)

Ecuador y Brasil experiencias que convergen (2019) 




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