
viernes, 17 de abril de 2020

COVID-19, World War III, Pandemics: present and future, Third Delivery

COVID-19, World War III, Pandemics: 
present and future
3.- OPIUM DREAMS of a former Secretary of State

From the book under construction:
(Coronavirus, catalyst of the Capitalist System)
The open and shameless way in which Trump and his officials have opened Pandora's Box (long before the pandemic began) is nothing more than the absolute despair in which the imperial bourgeoisie finds itself before the imminent collapse of its rule.

Third Delivery,  
OPIUM DREAMS of a former Secretary of State

On April 3 of this year, Henry Kissinger (former Secretary of State of the United States) publishes an article in The Wall Street Journal; in it he predicted that "the reality is that the world will never be the same after the coronavirus." And it states that the United States of America is obliged to make a great effort in:
First, underpin global resilience to infectious diseases.
Second, strive to heal the wounds of the global economy. 
Third, the principles of the liberal world order must be safeguarded.”

The former Secretary of State of the ruling country of world imperialism cannot and will not realize that this is the end of North American hegemony in the world, along with all its allies.

The United States will be the most powerful empire in history and the one that enjoyed that glory so little time (eighty years 1940-2020; that is, this year it will cease to be); therefore, none of those points raised by former Secretary of State Kissinger (above) are part of the possibilities of the United States, given that it was and will not continue to be. On the contrary, after this World War III passes, that beautiful country ruled by the most hypocritical, murderous, ruthless and cynical beings in history (Caligula falls short) will remain in the depths of hell. and he is obliged to go on to rescue his worthy people. Where the only countries that will be able to carry out this rescue task are those whose superior organization -along with a truly humane moral and ethics- are demonstrating - along the same line of combat - that they are the best, being among others China, Russia, Cuba .

It is no secret to anyone that these indicated countries are the ones that coincidentally, in one way or another, have been building a revolutionary option of a socialist nature. And they will have to rescue or help the working peoples of the world: as they effectively do from the first moment of this war started on December 19, 2019.

On the contrary, the imperial governments, led by the United States, have amply demonstrated their customary miserableness; and that this unexpected enemy, who is fiercely claiming his space, evidently scandalously and publicly evidences it. Global scandal of their ruthless predatory attitude, so they are using all their advertising resources to try to hide it at any cost. In this sense, they create the tale of invading Venezuela or enclosing it, which is nothing more than spasms of the deceased, while in their countries they holocaustically debate between life and death. In addition, along with a varied set of tactical criteria, they have lined up the entire battery of journalists hired by the State Department or the Pentagon or their intelligence agencies to publish all kinds of lies about China, Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Russia; in short, especially what smells of revolution.

The open and shameless way in which Trump and his officials have opened the Pandora's Box (since long before the pandemic began) is nothing more than the absolute despair in which the imperial bourgeoisie finds itself before the imminent collapse of its rule. In this 2020, the dollar was going to be buried. However, this World War III - in dramatic form - has advanced the times of the imperial catastrophe in an exponential acceleration of all processes. When this war ends, as we will see, the devastation of their economies and the sustained devaluation of their flagship currency will come together ... A new world pact will be produced, as was done after World War II; where the governments of the United States will be obliged to respect agreements, which they have never done.

This makes Imperialism extremely dangerous, just as it happens when a snake's head is cut off.

First Thesis 
Customary Miserableness

It is not necessary to make a detailed presentation of facts to guarantee the certainty of the thesis that we presented because they are widely known. We can point out that when COVID-19 began its offensive all over the world and rapidly developed turning it into a holocaust at the end of March, the Imperial governments have been entertaining in War Games with the execution of military exercises. The headlines stated that they are the oldest in 25 years in Europe. While that happened, the Chinese, Cubans and Russians are sending medical supplies and specialized personnel to more than 120 countries, since March 24. The same will take place in the first fortnight of April; and we ask ourselves, will bullets destroy the virus?

Not yet entering in the speculative elements, but everything indicates that said virus is Made in USA. We observe that this first and most evident fact identifies the total attitude and understanding that the leaders of the main imperial countries (the Most of them are front men of the Imperial Bourgeoisie, none of our wealthy are) have the strategic and tactical “what to do” regarding the great world health crisis.

And while the children play the tin soldier, sadly the COVID-19 floods every corner of Italy, Spain, Germany, England, the United States, and all its direct allies. I express myself this way, because those who are not your direct allies are taking all measures, in desperate circumstances, to save lives.

None of those imperial countries had the slightest intention of confronting the main enemy of humanity in history. In addition, they impose that criterion on their puppets.

not irresponsibility or madness

The first public demonstration that defines the philosophy of the imperial bourgeoisie openly, is registered in a report by the International Monetary Fund in 2012, where among other measures, it says that benefits are cut and the retirement age is delayed due to "the risk of people live longer than expected. " Today the IMF director of the time, Christine Lagarte, current President of the European Central Bank, has been put on her lips, who declared that “the elderly live too long, and that is a risk to the global economy. We have to do something, and now. ” Now she says that in that semi-annual report, her director was not present ... I imagine, they will say the same of the traitorous Bachelet about the reports of mass murders and torture that take place in Panama and Costa Rica (irony), because she was not there when were written. Whether Lagarte said it or not, the report is clear and representative of what we are saying.

The truth is that the intention of the imperial bourgeoisie to liquidate the old ones, aggressively and crudely expressed by the IMF in 2012, is exactly the reason why the supposed irresponsibility of the governments is justified in Italy, Spain, England, United States and Germany. It is not true that they are stupid so that their actions do not have precise strategic justifications. That is the reason why, for example, the statements of the English Prime Minister (I will not mention his name as not to give that pig historical merit) and many other dignitaries; led by the heaviest Trump. And to that diabolical goal of earning billions of dollars by not having to pay pensions, is why everyone looked at the sky while the pandemic traveled the streets of their countries.

It is quite possible that the new Spanish government is not directly aware of the issue; but his social-imperialist environment in which he is surrounded, is sure pushing him to look the other way while the virus made triumphant entry through the cities. In Spain, for example, there are about nine million pensioners; multiply and you will see the certainty of the argument we present.

The Insurance and Reinsurance industry is among the top five in the world.  I am very sure that they valued the billions of dollars that this irresponsibility represented to them and they let the virus come in as if one owned the place, licking their wallets; but they could not assess the apocalyptic dimensionality of the war that they unleashed.

I wrote in one of my books: “When it goes against history; even doing things right, they go wrong. On the contrary, when it goes in favor of history; even doing things wrong, they turn out well. ” From the point of view of capitalist thought, the one that prioritizes exclusively on profits and not on the human being, their predatory calculation is totally correct, but it went wrong.

On March 19, 2020, China announced that on Wednesday 18, a new case of infection had not been detected since the outbreak was detected on December 19, 2019 (three months). At that time, China had 81,100 confirmed cases and 3,249 deaths. The World Health Organization reported that in the world there were, until Wednesday, March 18, 191,127 confirmed cases of coronavirus and 7,807 deaths; Today, April 7 (20 days later), there are 1,312,612 confirmed cases and 72,713 deaths in the world (BBC), and growing rapidly. Today, April 7, in the United States there are 1,875 deaths (in a single day) and 58,000 new contaminated. Actually, the comparison of cases vs. time indicates that a truly unprecedented global disaster is coming, from what I read and hear, is not evaluating it; much less the psychopath of the White House.

April 8, 2020
Moises Pinzon Martinez

I hope to have very wrong this last underlined conclusion.


Post Data: * COVID-19 CATALYST OF THIS * 👇🏽

Every time I read or listen to any analysis in which the intention is to unravel the deep roots of what is happening in the process of collapse of the Capitalist System and in which will result in the establishment of a peaceful coexistence advanced by the countries of orientation revolutionary towards socialism. I observe that they do not go over (at best) very elaborate academic presentations. In addition, they have not read the book It is Inevitable, whose * structural root * is an article published by * La Prensa in 2008. * 😜

I have given away all this in PDF (Spanish version) through all the channels that social networks allow. It has been viewed for more than 290,000 times.
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fully licensed. Don't ask, just do it.
If you can translate and place them on a portal, please do so. I think that Now, in the midst of the WORLD SYSTEMIC REVOLUTION, they are the ONLY analyzes with accurate Scientific METHOD.

Chapters already finished in Spanish, sorry

Mientras espera el siguiente tema 👻 trate de alcanzar los terminados 👇🏽👀👇🏽

Teóricos y Analistas deberían darle seguimiento al libro en PLENO DESARROLLO: 





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