
jueves, 5 de octubre de 2017


 sorry for the inaccuracies in the translation... it's from google

OR Internet and the birth of the Universal Consciousness 

Book Chapter in Construction: 
Critique of Scientific Socialism
 From Moses Pinzón Martínez. 
Twiter: @moypinzon

sorry for the inaccuracies in the translation... it's from google

Dedicated to: 
José Alberto BM,
and my nephew Pedro PM 
That with their help, 
 They created the conditions 
for this assay possible. 

1. Introduction 
4. Let 's see how times unfold 
5. NEW OR OLD AND NEW TASKS leaderships 
7. Universal Consciousness, the Vatican and the Empire 
8. self references

The class struggle in the ideological level, has not ceased to be tenacious; They continue to use the same methods of misrepresenting the truth, misinform and confuse the facts aimed at diverting attention from the masses in the certainty of revolutionary approaches and practical results. By reading Marx, Engels and Lenin (between 100 and 200 years), we find many counterparts today are the new forms of deception alleged examples. Very few things are new; where the most notorious are the product of deep ignorance of its proponents. 

Newest basically is linked to the adaptation of the old lies, redesigning worn arguments, new advertising and communication systems; where, right now, how different it is the Internet and its growing range of possibilities, its exponential use by the broadest masses. For example: WhatsApp was released to the public in January 2010, it declared (2016) billion active users; I twitter appeared in March 2006, it recorded 255 million active users in 2016; Facebook, created in February 2004, in 2017 recorded 1.900 million active users. Surprisingly, just 22 years of technology needed for mass cell appear, there are 6.800 million active accounts cell, for a world population of 7,100 million. No matter the details of the accuracy of these figures in itself are sufficient to establish a certain criterion; what matters is that you can not determine a strategy and tactical revolutionary concerning the class struggle without contemplate precisely the revolution of the means of production that has just occurred and the transformation that it caused in communications and interactions at all areas of people and social classes. 

See the subject, we communicates almost adictamente with an apparatus in multiple ways; But behind it there is another active subject, they. The phenomenon of the different ways in which such communication is used at all varies what it was before the existence of modern-old appliances. Drug addicts, psychopaths, delayed, sages, scholars, professionals, aspiring notoriety, false leaders, true revolutionaries, etc., just as before, acted in one way or another in society, and did the same thing they do now through social networks. 

What these new means of production have achieved exponential level is to take these demonstrations; if it was previously hidden massively, massively today is known. We gain nothing by denying and denying addiction they produce; on the contrary, what is achieved is to demonstrate our reactionary, avoiding helping counseling needs, which are urgent in handling them. 

In the familiar and popular environment, there were TVs and phones; today, these are becoming history. The TV left us this, but we familiarly connecting the past and the future; the phone was also a familiar instrument, apparatus for all. Instead, cell and its link to the digital network systems, make it a highly personal instrument. 

 If each corporal bodies of each human being, intertwine producing consciousness; This in turn manages to build the social relations of a community and a nation; Today the new artificial adaptation of the organism to a phone and a computer, is creating the "universal consciousness" that is being built in cyberspace. 


Can we touch, look to consciousness? Can we find an instrument that can analyze body so elusive? Will we could lock her in a cell? I think the ghost hunting designed a prototype of a device that allows great catch; unfortunately only for entertainment. The truth is that only it and through it, have emanated all processes of evolution and revolution in human nature and the environment, land: the only one we have! And sadly for all those hunters spirits, this enigmatic body can only be caught by another equal to its kind; It ie by consciousness itself. Explanations were always about idealists; He went to the Greco-Roman times, when the criterion of analysis of reality is the opposite: Materialism.

Idealism, which naturally imposed since the beginning of the birth of consciousness, represents the criterion by which the new subject, the new spirit that other animals do not have, is what determines the existence of all material; It is only possible where there any phenomenon because it is thought, it is said. Or the other approach, which has always caused me much laughter, which states that the objects are real depending on the perspective in which they are viewed. The first person who, with his understanding, armed with Dialectical and Historical Materialism, was entitled to point out that is Consciousness, was Marx or Lenin, I remember that text or which of us define it as "the product and property highly organized matter ". In these nine words, which are non-textual, 

That spirit, therefore, has its birth just in that first moment when our ancient ancestors, after a trapped animal, have lunch, they found that his bones could replace their fists, fingers, nails; ambulaban probably still naked. Before this time, group behavioral processes were produced by the direct action of genetic inheritance. It is this primitive consciousness that activates the program in the highly organized matter, uninterrupted evolution; without it, insurance could go all the millennia of existence without which we could have know. 

We acquire fully aware that there was a way to replace our senses; since, in forming the family consciousness and then the Group, the uninterrupted process has brought us to today with an elaborate and contradictory social conscience. Consciousness equals matter more specific understanding, C = M + E. If we assume in the formula the subject variable as constant, appears as the only possible trend understanding, an independent spirit; that was what our primitive ancestors were forced to take.

Developed from that first moment an idealistic consciousness of phenomena, whose genesis had little overall effect until a little more than two centuries, when it (idealistic thinking) comes Dialectic discovered by Hegel; who tie, like a belt, the idealistic. That is, according to Hegel, Dialectic discovered by him, are the laws that govern nature, but are governed from the consciousness that determines existing processes even in their movement. We support, therefore the knowledge processes left and evolved within the framework of idealistic thinking; the most important tool materialism is discovered in the bowels of this philosophical system based on the primacy of spirituality on material phenomena by Hegel; which it is accurate to the laboratory analysis of Dialectical Materialism. Then Marx and Engels took that belt to it put in Scientific Socialism; which, unlike the idealism of the materialist philosophy that scientifically proves that it is the subject that determines all processes on consciousness and any phenomenon, even that we can not explain.

With scientific socialism, for the first time in history, they are united the lower extremities (reality) of human beings, with the upper (materialist philosophy); through a dialectic belt. To merge into a single body born dialectical and historical materialism and its consequence as a science: scientific socialism; which demonstrates the ineluctable, infallible, accurate and unbeatable understanding, which guarantees the explanation of all phenomena occurring ... of all. 

Today, the Social Consciousness, which in turn is scientific, is creating artificial intelligence, expressed in robotics. This, the Social Consciousness, in turn is creating its consequent higher state of understanding, Universal Consciousness, riding in cyberspace.  
Social Consciousness is the condition in which men have passed through the paths of socio-economic systems based on the existence of social classes; It is the Universal Consciousness itself operating condition in the socialist socio-economic system and then the Communist. Only in this new socialist system it is that it can be ensured that this new stage of supreme development of highly organized matter can be for the benefit of the progress of humanity and not its destruction; selfishness, misery ... among all the negative values ​​representing capitalism prevent it.


In Wikipedia, which has become an extremely popular benchmark for consultation, when the date data and figures are to punctuate on the III International Workers founded in 1918, found a chain of lies that, for those who minimally have read something about scientific socialism, its maturity, literary quality, scientism, and commitment to truth, among many other qualities that have theorists of this new science, they know they are false. Marx, Engels and Lenin later showed a theoretical and literary superiority in each of his writings, even the most insignificant, which is unmatched by any previous or subsequent to them theoretical.

 However, most of these systems are open internet to be used with a high degree, if not all liberalism; and from what I've seen, it seems that there is no political censorship by its management; they understand that any public fluctuation to affect its liberal, democratic and confidential conduct, the system falls. What is missing is that the strength of the revolutionary youth pass to act on these systems, competing in the presentation of the various issues that have to do with the revolutionary processes; the democratic system in which they are required to act permits. And with that, to test the freedom that these platforms provide. I did not find any pages on Google sites that explain the subject as versatile; so we are forced to create our own; not one, not two, hundreds, no matter what an organization of revolutionaries in a country (or more) repeat the other.

Of course, it is understood that from the beginning these systems, their costs were only privileged bourgeois groups and their environment influence; which they accounted for these platforms and defeated their ideologies and political positions whose underpinnings are only possible with lies.

We see the facts: Le endilgan to the Third International faculty of "revolutionary expansion" on the model of the "Russian Revolution" ... leaving "the peasantry in the background" ... conscious Misses, infundios semi-theoretical, false positives like this one we found multiple times on multiple topics. Then, on the 21 preconditions to be met by that organization wishing to join this International adopted at its second congress in August 1920, shows 21 points, all consignarios; none is a verbatim copy of the original and true, tarnishing any unwary on the mature and scientific reality to undertake all tasks by the revolutionaries. Nothing like what is taught and demonstrated in hundreds and thousands of writings by Marx, Engels and Lenin; are these, the cultural heritage and example receiving millions of his followers, the example to follow: quality, truth above all, love of neighbor, commitment to what you think; the supreme sacrifice for the construction of the future where justice and reason fully rule over the fascist bestiality on savage capitalism.

Not entering abundant details and examples, which could fill thousands of pages on misinformation appearing on Wikipedia, and hundreds of websites on Internet networks, so just write down that the role of intrusiveness that both endilgan from those first moments the emergence of the USSR, and throughout its existence until 1991, are completely false. In this regard alone will discuss what is written in the book "Is Inevitable" on page 48 and who deny that meddling: "This decree of Peace (USSR, 1917) was exposed two fundamental principles of" Peaceful Coexistence "concerning which can not be imposed by force the peoples socialist revolutions; These are natural product of maturation and development of productive and social forces. "

In this line of analysis, where the major advertising forces of revolutionary movements are required to take the new technology and especially the Internet and all that it implies, we face a dilemma is that most of the leaders both individual countries and international trade union movements and revolutionary parties have aged the impetuous advent of the new "means of production" and the Universal Consciousness, its existence is enabling us to create. We refer to Windows 95 called, already today, 22 years later, has progressed steadily each year and continues to evolve. From then appear "popularly" cellular and internet. In our country (Panama) for being so linked and dependent on the empire, these services appeared almost immediately; However, for the rest of the world its genesis was more delayed. 

4. Let's see how times unfold 

From 1980 to 1995, the personal from the model 286 computers were developing different versions (386) and popularizing up to version 486. Along with them also the operating system evolving from its origin MSDos its various versions to different versions of Windows 3; the latest version being the "Windows for Workgroups 3.11." Windows 95 reaches the light of life with its structural counterpart, Pentium (Computer) processor, in 1995. In this time range of 15 years, he managed to popularize computers; and to the 90s of last century, it was a matter of planning any family, get a computer. Between 1995 and 2017 (22 years) and either have a computer at home, but not everyone has internet services. The popular impact of mobile internet and begins to walk the path of massification; however, their immediate need, cellular exceed all expectations of popularity (the figures recorded at the beginning). Roads were compulsorily in gradual growth from the company to acquire more resources sector; and a process of natural evolution of production and competition, go down to get access to the majority of the population relative prices. 

This short genesis of time, implies that both the intensive use of cell and its qualities, as provided to us by internet systems and mass communication capabilities are not part of the initial experiences of our popular leaders. Evil can then promote them as the main tool propagandist struggle and communication. If you do not see in their own working-class international management structures that impact at least in their political structures bases, less. However, it is known to all, that workers use, increasingly, massively, these instruments and their faculties e-mail, Whatsapp, facebook, twitter, msn, etc. The figures on the use of cell Colman any denial of this reality.

Revolutionary and union leaders, by the historical nature of development activity could be above 55 years of age; This tells us, because the technology for their original cost was not their access, that evolution and revolution of the means of production passed over them. Today, for the same human nature, so, thank God, even if it hurts, we must die, our leaders have not the slightest idea of ​​the forces that environment move to new technology and may not interested ; They will have to give way to a youth that if he knows perfectly the matter. Personally, just 5 years ago, he exclaimed publicly and proudly that my device (phone only calls, had no internet options) was proof of theft, if left on a table anywhere, 

5. NEW OR OLD AND NEW TASKS leaderships 

For the good of the processes of revolution and human evolution, workers yesterday exploited by their ignorance, tomorrow (is saying) are technicians, engineers, lawyers, doctors, today, exploited for their naivete, which will be the new working class high technology; and relays will be future leaders of revolutions. If the revolutionary leaders today fail to boost the jump, the jump the jump to them quickly.

Some examples: The Twitter platform brought to the public in 2007, has become one of the main promoters of public opinion on social networks; the trend is rising. Well, I put in search "marx" and opened the first one appeared: Troop Marxista (@tropamarxista), Venezuelan, and I see that the last message sent is two days (what militancy as it does to give the prize revolutionaries! year); step analyzing the last 12 sent in 6 days. One is that although anti-communist propaganda appears in response, which manages the end, confusion message is this: anti revolutionary propaganda. Then follows an extremely poor meme, without any explanatory comment; and worst, is a retuiter a user profile that reading is half and half, It could even be an advocate of fascism. Then, on that same page, the retuiter another meme with the comment appears: "Marxism is outdated" ... sure, I think it is not necessary to discuss this. The rest of the twelve messages do not have the slightest importance. This account has 28,100 followers until today, because now it will have 28.099, except mine. It could be that was created by Imperial agents, which as yesterday, using all kinds of tricks to confuse, smear, discredit, etc., the change process; but often we find extreme this reality in a number of portals created by revolutionaries. The rest of the twelve messages do not have the slightest importance. This account has 28,100 followers until today, because now it will have 28.099, except mine. It could be that was created by Imperial agents, which as yesterday, using all kinds of tricks to confuse, smear, discredit, etc., the change process; but often we find extreme this reality in a number of portals created by revolutionaries. The rest of the twelve messages do not have the slightest importance. This account has 28,100 followers until today, because now it will have 28.099, except mine. It could be that was created by Imperial agents, which as yesterday, using all kinds of tricks to confuse, smear, discredit, etc., the change process; but often we find extreme this reality in a number of portals created by revolutionaries. 

Then I open, this is Spanish, 7,527 followers; Although it's not naive anti-communist propaganda, messages lacking, like the previous one, of universality. 2 images appear: the first close-up image of Che in a demonstration in Yemen; and the other is a meme of Marx poorly defined and illegible texts.

Organizations such as the Forum of Sao Paulo, called upon to play a role of regional orientation and intellectual character, which is contemptible since not been put to the task of studying the scope, character and nature of each of the components social networks. In his @ForodeSaoPaulo has 3,479 followers, do not demonstrate the foggiest idea what it is. The last message sent is one month ago, consisting of a picture, with the foot of information that says they appeared in Buenos Aires Consensus ... (nothing else and that there are up to 140 words to be used). All this, being a regional organization of great importance, which we see are the results: after several years, that address tweet, maintains the same number of followers, neither more nor less is the result of its management in this area.

The different accounts of revolutionary tweeters and networks have been able to assess, are not far from receiving these same criticisms. These realities, briefly stated, are the product of our leaders have aged right in the period when the flight rising technology; them, they would not mounted on that plane. As a result, our young revolutionaries, if they are perched on the rims of the aircraft and seats of third and fourth class, lack the political maturity and experience of those dedicated and sacrificed leaders and leaders who have been watching with amazement the new mechanical beast hovering in the "imaginary" real and cyber-space.

Hugo Chavez, faithful emulo Bolivar, Fidel, Marx, Engels, Lenin, Ho, Mao, Mariategui, Marti, Torrijos, Juarez, Farabundo Allende, Prestes ... Monsignor Romero, Camilo Torres ... and we can not stop scoring our more great moral conductor to Che Guevara; Finally, the new receiver historical greatness of the working class (driver of the last revolution of the twentieth century and first of the XXI) in 2000 made a strong call to the revolutionary youth to empower Social Networks. Venezuelan youth that has done invaluable work; but I note that it lacks the experimental and analytical disciplined firmness of those who stood on the platform watching the takeoff, dumbfounded. 

We further note that this Venezuelan revolutionary youth, which incidentally is the current vanguard of world revolution, is the one that has managed to empower these means; well above the rest of the revolutionary youth of the world; However, they have managed to empower it extensively, not intensively; missing, disciplined, militant leadership of the organization here whose leaders (who are unaware of the phenomenon) have seen the need to develop strategies and very specific tactics to confront the class struggle at this level, surely the triumph belongs to us by historical right . 

 Twitter, for example, is a platform that serves to deliver very concrete and specific headbands, because if a message that we only understand a single individual or even a small group is sent, you lose time because it is very certain that none see; and other cyber-citizens will not know that it is; its scope is thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions of observers. 

It's like standing on the corner of the entrance to the Faculty to distribute cintillos invitation to the assembly, where the removal of a reactionary professor propose, or the march of that other day, or strike next week; no use to call the rectory making, that is done in secret through WhatsApp, e-mail or msn; the drafting of the snood should be clear and understandable for everyone. 

Unfortunately I have to put myself as an example: From January 2015 to June 2016, 474,000 cintillos I distributed via the platform Twitter (@moypinzon) inviting you to read this or that article exposed in the blog ( ; and we have received in this blog-magazine 580,000 responses in that period of eighteen months. At the beginning of this administration, per 100 cintillos spread not received 50 responses or blog; after the first few months and received 400 responses. There was a time that the blog-magazine received more than 6,500 visits in one day. Collaterally, there is a misapprehension to believe that if a message is placed on a platform where you have friends or 50.0000 5,000 followers, they will see; when the truth is that even 5% will get the message. In circumstances that are, 

El Militante, and large dose of ignorance and evil, Capitalism leads us the advantage and you have to take it away. The only advantage we have is that history is against them; and the millions of men and women who are actively involved in the formation of this Universal Consciousness, respond to a human right ethical and moral, as preventing millions of times disordered, his malevolent triumph management. All these new means of production, both machines and "program" (software), are creations of certain and great people; but this only indicates that they are the product of scientific and social accumulation of humanity.

By creating a specific program which would have us believe that is an embodiment of a single individual, loving each charge up the intestines (including content) Copyright. The reality is that none of them pays copyright creators of binary systems or the creators of 0 (zero) or algebra, etc., creators even the language used without whom nothing would be possible or language (Basic, Cobol, Fortran, etc.) with which we communicate with computers; which indicate that the creation (whatever) is 98% of social property and 2% of creating great this or that person. And this proportionality holds for absolutely all inventions and discoveries that man has done individually; sure, I'm being too optimistic, since in reality the percentage of creativity and genius is in the order of 1%. Definitely a leader overwhelmed by meetings, marches, logistics tasks, etc., can not achieve this result, that it is not; It is a daily task on a very specific strategic and tactical approach, each meets a given, within this or that system of social networks assigned goal and complies; because now you not have to wait out the time and students or workers, but at any time and from anywhere you can accomplish the task. It is a daily task on a very specific strategic and tactical approach, each meets a given, within this or that system of social networks assigned goal and complies; because now you not have to wait out the time and students or workers, but at any time and from anywhere you can accomplish the task. It is a daily task on a very specific strategic and tactical approach, each meets a given, within this or that system of social networks assigned goal and complies; because now you not have to wait out the time and students or workers, but at any time and from anywhere you can accomplish the task. 

It also seeks to allocate the necessary resources to provide professional revolutionaries assume this management as their specialty within the movement. Our current and historical leaders argue that these media are likely to be violated by the imperial political intelligence (CIA, secret police, etc.); those that detect movement, security, etc., etc. Comrades !, the amount of the population that is acting in multiple forms and under many leaders in search of the road to socialism and massively using these means, is so great that there minds and sufficient to control people. By contrast, the imperial forces have opened many fronts battle, evidently by the rapid rise of democratic processes and revolutionaries, 

In his disdain for prevent imminent grave, the imperialists are involving many people, who may not contain human nature thereof, to the bestial brutality of his conduct. An example is the case of Wikilink or Edwar Joseph Snowden; demonstrating that these diabolic agencies, generators most perverse, the most savage instincts that we might occur, can not grab as many people without the divine will, present in most humans, generate the power of renewal. 


As consciousness in humans, whose beginning corresponds to the understanding of the family (within the matriarchal organization), then the group subsequently tribal, before emptying into the Social Consciousness. Then in the same historical sequence, were developing their understanding codes, then finally rules and laws; Likewise, the Universal Consciousness is shifting in its growth by the same route. These phenomena, Social Consciousness, which passed in an unbroken sequence of development, driven by the growth of communities and the accumulation of facts that created the need. 

Necessity has finally been the determining factor in all processes, both evolutions and revolutions. Let's see if I can correctly spell my deductions: In the brain of every human being, reflects all the modus operandi of the global set of their social environment; different, hundreds, thousands of possible combinations, flit permanently, even while we sleep; projecting in mind the links, hundreds of multiple responses, which are synthesized while talking or while (and is the main thing) we communicate with nature (work). Or rather, as we communicate with nature we confront the thousands of ideas; and discussing it (social relation), choose the socially correct answer. 

Communication is carried out in a defined social environment, ensuring socially necessary for the family results, the group, tribe and finally given (in its historical evolution) social class. In this context, the Social Consciousness responds to the understanding of a global nature, which gives shape, character, terms, specific clarity, particularly family and social class to which it belongs reality; are the reflections of the surrounding reality in the minds of men and women. In the beginning, for several tens of thousands of years, the primal consciousness, given our animal nature of origin, comes with 95% of bestial character and only 5% of human character; But it was his understanding of bestiality and what set them apart. After about 25,000 years this difference was significantly reduced, but the degree of animal behavior, still remained higher than human; we can clearly appreciate the behavior, well documented, the Romans some 2,000 years ago. 

The film Gladiator is a fairly accurate representation, where we observe the delirious excitement Yea enjoyed the bloody spectacles between gladiators or promiscuity of family behavior accepted naturally by absolutely all people, among many other details that demonstrate the limitations of our human condition as opposed to the animal at the time. Philosophy "Christian idealist" is the one that introduces human factors necessary and born driven by the new mode of production, which appears from the bowels of the Roman slave empire (read free book on the blog, is inevitable), which It gives a revolutionary twist to this proportionality. Thereafter, and with the emergence of Servilismo, global socioeconomic system, a process where the understanding of the human becomes greater the animal begins; and with it, the Social Consciousness acquires a momentum that quickly forces its evolution. 

Now, I would like to dwell on something fundamental: While it is true that mental processes, understanding, are promoted, conditioners, produced by the characteristics of the means of production in force, materialist dialectics teaches us the existence of the dynamic interaction of the elements circumstantially linked. Indicating that after the means of production transform ways of thinking, speaking, walking, dressing, (laws, politics, religion, etc.), is now the understanding that conditions the progress (not revolution) of the media ... it's a concatenating reality in motion by its contradictions; links at one point or time, one factor is paramount and then ceases to be for the other to take over looking for that balance that quickly turns to unbalance, 

We understand then, that consciousness, both socially and Universal, is not unilateral but multilateral, it is not static but dynamic; It is not absolute but limited; It is not homogeneous but heterogeneous ... and socially shifts changes from generation to generation.

In this evolutionary context, it gives embryonic beginning Universal Consciousness; at birth, bestiality was their natural behavior: Web pages with pornographic content were occupying most unique spaces and marking more than one million hits; for many reasons, which are not the aim of this essay, it was the most visited. As a consequence, they stimulated and also exponentially stimulate our natural instincts of hormonal character; in a dysfunctional society like ours, it has created complex and massive social complications. 

It was extremely rare to find a web site, any other content, to mark more than one million hits. I must emphasize that, in 1997, built a web page Panamanian poetry, which won the incredible mark of just over 2 million visits, being totally abnormal for this time, and indicating the evolutionary tendency of the system.

Social Consciousness that we enjoy today, corresponding to several tens of thousands of years of evolution; in terms of the Universal Consciousness, it is transiting in years. The initial reality where 95% corresponds to bestiality and 5% to the human and that it took some 25,000 years to reach the point of conflict between human dominance over the animal (Roman Empire, decline of the slave system); It corresponds now in the construction of the new consciousness, just 10 years; marked these years between the appearance of the base of support of the existence of the Universal Consciousness in 1995 and 2005, when we find and most visited pages are not sexually suggestive, or at least equal. Between 2005 and 2017, second period, We found a strong opposition to all animals that exist in networks, platforms, portals; have been built primarily conducts, then rules to be developed laws that govern; exactly the same paths as their human analogue. 

Even being I standardizing languages, I mean that the translators of the system are getting better; increasingly you need to know the different languages. Within a short time you will not need to speak any other language to communicate, within it, with anyone in the world. But as we have noted in this socio-economic system of savage capitalism, where the determining value, the common denominator of all fractional equations, is profit; It is impossible to answer that Universal Consciousness humanity absolutely, while in the United States is more perverse protect all humanity contains; so there is no way that the laws that protect the moral and ethics in the Universal Consciousness, assume their role. Here are some examples. Looking for some news, information that involves much memory consumption, you find that the signal is frozen; but if you are looking for sexual references, no matter how much they weigh in memory, we find that they have a super speed management. It insults the First Lady of the United States in less than 24 hours located the culprit; while the active perversion of pedophilia and sexual gotten all deformations and for no one ever knows who they are responsible; the first is punished, but the rest of promoting the lowest human aberrations, no! Like drugs, those who pay the penalties are the ones who end up being affected in their cultural and social weaknesses for free and seemingly harmless existence of these large negotiated. but if you are looking for sexual references, no matter how much they weigh in memory, we find that they have a super speed management. It insults the First Lady of the United States in less than 24 hours located the culprit; while the active perversion of pedophilia and sexual gotten all deformations and for no one ever knows who they are responsible; the first is punished, but the rest of promoting the lowest human aberrations, no! Like drugs, those who pay the penalties are the ones who end up being affected in their cultural and social weaknesses for free and seemingly harmless existence of these large negotiated. but if you are looking for sexual references, no matter how much they weigh in memory, we find that they have a super speed management. It insults the First Lady of the United States in less than 24 hours located the culprit; while the active perversion of pedophilia and sexual gotten all deformations and for no one ever knows who they are responsible; the first is punished, but the rest of promoting the lowest human aberrations, no! Like drugs, those who pay the penalties are the ones who end up being affected in their cultural and social weaknesses for free and seemingly harmless existence of these large negotiated. in less than 24 hours they located the culprit; while the active perversion of pedophilia and sexual gotten all deformations and for no one ever knows who they are responsible; the first is punished, but the rest of promoting the lowest human aberrations, no! Like drugs, those who pay the penalties are the ones who end up being affected in their cultural and social weaknesses for free and seemingly harmless existence of these large negotiated. in less than 24 hours they located the culprit; while the active perversion of pedophilia and sexual gotten all deformations and for no one ever knows who they are responsible; the first is punished, but the rest of promoting the lowest human aberrations, no! Like drugs, those who pay the penalties are the ones who end up being affected in their cultural and social weaknesses for free and seemingly harmless existence of these large negotiated. 

7. Universal Consciousness, the Vatican and the Empire 

 Imperial governments of the United States, past supporters of the capitalist system has become representative of the baser passions that humanity may have, in the most primitive bestial behavior; They are a den of impunity, cave murderers, criminals cave. The vast majority of thugs, murderers, terrorists, dictators ... in short, the world's largest social degenerates, are warm and comfortable refuge in that country. In short, are the main enemy of mankind, the main danger of the world's existence and progress.

 Faced with this situation of imminent destruction of the existence of mankind on earth, Pope Francisco visit the United States on September 24, 2015 (on scale in Cuba), in his speech to the Congress of the Empire, among many specific truths vindicate the faith and hope against the destruction of values, he says: " we all know and are deeply concerned about the disturbing social and political situation of our time. The world is increasingly a place of violent conflict, harmful hatred, bloody atrocities, committed even in the name of God and religion. We are aware that no religion is immune to various forms of individual aberration or ideological extremism. "( Read it completely )

 After this visit the Successor of Peter in the Vatican, the year 2016, in the primary elections of the parties supporting the superstructure of the Imperial State on behalf of Big Business, Republicans and Democrats, emerges for the first time in history that country, Bernie Sanders dissent .... Democratic Senator he launches his presidential candidacy with a speech, and the new, socialist. It is the first time someone from the depths of the bowels of the same monster, dares to such aggression the most sacred pillars of support of legalized theft; with the surprise that the speech was fully accepted by the American people; such that, surely, if you start your campaign a year earlier, had won. even greater surprise, when the person who had more than 8 years promoting his candidacy, Clinton was facing. Bernie Sanders was a perfect stranger, his speech full of hope renovadoras; his speech moderate socialist, drew in only month campaign to 37.85% of the vote. 

The reactionary position of the other candidates is so profound that Hilary Clinton was unable to understand the events and the real motivations of most Americans, so he kept his speech wolf disguised as sheep, his opponent Trump is the wolf in the nude. In the end, in a vote where participated only 40% of the population entitled to that end, wins the wolf undisguised, the big bad wolf in balls, live and in full color, with his teeth dripping with human blood, thirsty for more. On this issue there is plenty to talk; such as assessing the comparative electoral participation between the primary and the primary vote.

After this first assault on the sleeping consciousness, and scattered by persecution, lies, false positives, imprisonment, murder, the advent of the American socialist revolution is just around the corner. That management pioneer within the imperial ranks, involves an act of supreme courage that will place in the annals of history, deservedly! And the working class is doing the same in that country for more than a century; "Remember" May Day, May Day, celebrated worldwide except in the US and Canada.

Universal Consciousness is the determining factor imperial reaction and fascism can not walling, can not imprison, murder can not, you can not plant drugs to cancel it; although they try desperately, without the slightest success. She is turning to its seedstocks the way of thinking, religion, morals, laws, politics; Finally, we have a true historical revolution of all the events, circumstances and factors that determine life on earth. Obviously revolutionary product of the average production Windows 95; and today, there are now multiple platforms much more sophisticated development.

 8. self references 

For various reasons, I have not been able to unravel and have not given importance, our work has not been referenced by other theorists in the field. In this case I have no one to referrers myself: 

1. We were the first to discover the link that represented the revolutionary Windows 95 operating system; that, having no screws or gears, they have failed to understand or accept that represents the new means of production that is removing the deepest seedstocks of the structure and superstructure of the capitalist system. This issue was discussed, with details for the first time in a publication of the newspaper La Prensa, April 21, 2008; Then, in a pamphlet entitled "The recent crisis of the capitalist system", printed three editions in 2013; then as brochure development, this issue appears in the book "Is Inevitable," published its first edition in 2014. On this last presentation, understanding its great importance, placed it free on the net, where he has obtained more than 200, 000 visits (Reference This indicates that only quantitative values, not qualitative). The revolutionary new means of production, that will support the World Socialist System, is not mechanical but intelligent; long strings of codes, encrypted million orders were successively evolving. Never, no new program was born out of nothing ... not even binary systems where everything starts. 
Binary systems, its origin dating back two thousand years ago in China. 

2. We were the first to create and develop the concept of "business philosophy," which examines, for the first time in history, academically social group of entrepreneurs from the perspective of the three basic social sciences: economics, sociology and philosophy. Until the appearance of our book "Business Vision" all who have addressed this issue has been framed within the limits of self-help. 

3. Now, in this little essay called "Universal Consciousness and class struggle", we first strengthen the theory of new means of production without cylinders or axles; and secondly, again make a new discovery about the formation of a no longer supported and created by the human body in a group consciousness and social class, but is the product of humanity as a whole and on a body only we can think, cyberspace: the Universal Consciousness. This issue is a small part of the overall essay "Critique of Scientific Socialism", where for the first time a critical approach of Marx, Engels, Lenin and the late socialist system of the USSR is made, not from a revisionist or destructive attitude or tergiversador but from a developmentalist view. 

4. In my first trial, rituals of life and myths of happiness (published in 2003), discovered three new themes in human events; including the issue concerning "Broken Links" between "citadina" ancient peasant life and training. And unravels the objective reason of the birth of women's liberation. It is quite possible that you have made some new contributions to the social sciences; however, these are the main ones. At least defend the theoretical strength of every detail; sure, there and must have many shortcomings, concepts that could be misused, etc .; in my adventurous life, full of defects, the priority was not disciplined and ongoing study; I wasted a lot of time on issues that today I regret (*) and they have their reasons to exist beyond their own will. Sure, I'm not the one who has studied academic subjects, even it may be the least; but my great virtue, I think, was that I have always been looking down, eyes fixed on the road; When I looked up, it has always been for minor moments, just to measure the extent. (*) 

5. However, what are errors in the size they were, the end is representing all the realities that determine the individual quality characteristics of each of us. In short, and as he finishes one of my poems: "Nothing that we are better the other way." By the way this poem, I nomenclated " Metempsicosis"It is a poetic essay that analyzes the history of humankind from its beginnings to today in more than 700 verses. I would like to note, that is the only job of this magnitude since Plinio Pluvio Nason, some two thousand years ago at the dawn of the Roman Empire, wrote a poetic account equal to its time, entitled Metamorphosis. In this my work, which will compete for more than 10 years without results, about 25 concepts and characteristics of human analyzed poetically in its development appear; many of them are poetry vertically and along the poemario horizontally in a versatile counterpoint or leakage. I would like to note that I give thanks for not having designated winner at any time, that allowed each year it improved again and again, tirelessly ... I'm sure it is complete. 

Panama, May 22, 2017 
The Spanish Royal Academy, recently added to the dictionary the word 'tweet' 

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